San Rafaela DLC + Balance Update
Patch Notes - Cartel Tycoon v (21/12)
Government forces can now attack Ferry Stations, and capturing enemy Ferry Stations will cause Terror to rise.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed: Most of the Quests can’t be obtained if the only Lieutenant in the Cartel is injured.
Fixed: Quest-Event prompting you to kill a Lieutenant can trigger on the story characters during the campaigns. (cantora_)
Fixed: Quest-Event about the end of Alliance can trigger for a story-related Allied Enemy Gang in the ‘Crashing the System’ campaign.
Fixed: Quest-Event ‘Armory Surplus’ description mentioned Military Base instead of Guerrillas. (Gasolina)
Fixed: Can’t raise upkeep for injured Lieutenants.
Fixed: Incorrect regions mentioned in the Quest-Event ‘The Path of Humility’ on the San Rafaela map.
Fixed: A wild marker for a long-gone Enemy Gang can appear on the map (cantora_, gods_judge)
Fixed: Laundering bonuses and fines from completing some Quest-Events (jok3.)
Fixed: Alliance with an Enemy Gang stops working correctly after a Quest-Event that prompts the player to hire a new Lieutenant (Old saves can’t be fixed; restart from a save made before encountering the bug). (BALBESIZCHATA, rodrigo.ferrari)
Fixed: ‘Lambs to the Slaughter’ can’t be completed if Gil Gilmar is taken to Prison. (Fearitself)
Fixed: Buying and delivering too many Weapons can break a Quest in the Tutorial.
Fixed: A Lieutenant injured in Rogandes region couldn’t be evacuated in Tutorial (Old saves can’t be fixed; restart from a save made before encountering the bug). (Meowdy Partner)
Fixed: Rogandes could be liberated without using the 'Suppressing Fire' Ability (Tutorial). (Meowdy Partner)
Fixed: Players lose control of multiple regions in Story Mode after changing their Capo.
Fixed: Some Quests in the Sandbox Mode couldn’t be completed if players changed Storage Capacity in Advanced Settings. (odginn)
Fixed: Players couldn’t recapture some Regions if roads leading to pre-constructed buildings were deleted. (cor3ez)
Patch Notes - Cartel Tycoon v (15/11)
Bug Fixes
Fixed: Some animations for Ferry Station ferries were missing.
Fixed: Missing visuals when selecting a target for some of the Lieutenant Abilities.
Fixed: It was possible to kill Miguel early on in the ‘Needs and Fears’ campaign, locking the storyline. (thanks, Wouter Koek)
Fixed: Demolishing the Paranoic Residence could crash the game in some instances (thanks, Spreck2022)
Fixed: Quest ‘Send Them Off II’ couldn’t be completed in the ‘That Sinking Feeling’ campaign. (You need to start the game from the save made before acquiring this quest for the fix to work).
Fixed: WASD, QE, and Space buttons didn’t work while the mouse cursor was over a Lieutenant or Building window.
Patch Notes - Cartel Tycoon v (31/10)
Updated the Soil Quality Menu.
Updated Plantations to expand the number of spaces where it can be placed.
Selecting a Lieutenant through the Lieutenant List will now open their action menu.
Optimized models for Transport Company I, II, and III.
Optimized models for Workshop I and II.
Optimized models for Food Factory II and III.
Added new animations to Ferry movement.
Optimized Soil Quality placement to not obstruct roads, buildings, and cities.
Bug Fixes
Fixed: Multiple localization and technical text issues.
Fixed: Camera could zoom in and out when scrolling the Lieutenant and Building Menus.
Fixed: It’s impossible to complete the ‘Crashing the System’ campaign if the player destroys all the Enemy Gangs early in the storyline. (thanks, LORSOLT)
Fixed: Missing description for the "Riverside Storage" bonus in the Research Tree. (thanks, bananatree123)
Fixed: Incorrect location mentioned in the 'Reprogram II' Quest description. (thanks, Cantora)
Fixed: Missing Spanish translation in one of the Mayor dialogues. (thanks, SANCRUBOT)
Fixed: Quest Markers for the beginning of the ‘Lambs to the Slaughter’ campaign could be missing in some instances. (thanks, CTY)
Fixed: Quest Markers for the ending of the ‘Lambs to the Slaughter’ campaign could be missing in some instances. (thanks, Maks Wenger)
Moving Lieutenants out of the River Pier while the building upgrade is in process can cause them to continue delivering even when they’re away. (thanks, sirjean04)
Fixed: Enemy Gangs could telepathically kill or kidnap a lieutenant who left the building they’re attacking.
A wild Government Forces icon can appear outside of roads and disappear during the ‘Crashing the System’ campaign.
Fixed: Weapons delivered using Transport Companies didn’t count for the quest goal in the ‘Roberto’s Request' Quest.
Fixed: An allied Gang can become a target in the ‘Urban Guerrillas’ quest ('Crashing the System' campaign).
Fixed: Some non-DLC Liutenants can’t be recruited on the San Rafaela map in Sandbox Mode.
Fixed: Hotels and Residencies don’t collect money from the Guerrillas. (cantora_)
Fixed: The marker for the ‘Urban Guerrillas’ Quest doesn’t disappear if there are no Enemy Gangs left.
Patch Notes - Cartel Tycoon v (28/09)
Increased the time limit for highest-level deals with Enemy Gangs from 18 to 25 days.
Increased storage capacity for River Pier III and Aerodrome III.
Increased base Power level for all Lieutenants with desired Terror Levels.
Optimized the model of the Airport building.
Bug Fixes
Fixed: Different previews for the San Rafaela map on different screens.
Fixed: Incorrect tooltip displayed when canceling some of the Lieutenant actions.
Fixed: The map overview camera on the San Rafaela map is placed incorrectly.
Fixed: Incorrect camera behavior in northern regions of the San Rafaela map.
Fixed: The ‘Purchase’ button appears active but doesn’t work in the ‘Downloadable Content’ menu on bought DLCs.
Fixed: Quests of the ‘Crashing the System’ storyline reactivate when loading a save made after completing the campaign (San Rafaela).
Fixed: Pre-built buildings near the Reservation were missing a region in some menus (San Rafaela).
Fixed: Airport and River Piers disappear after starting a Sandbox game with no pre-built buildings (San Rafaela).
Fixed: The location of the quest item was missing in the ‘Deliverance’ quest description in the ‘Crashing the System’ campaign.
Fixed: The objective of the ‘United by a ball’ quest appeared blank on the San Rafaela map.
Fixed: Transport Companies don’t deliver Weapons to buildings that were turned off before a Combat Encounter.
Fixed: Roberto Gallardo inhaled some helium and sounded too young (San Rafaela).
Fixed: Players could build Ferry Stations without needed research in the ‘Crashing the System’ campaign.
Fixed: Camila Cervantes (Earliest Access reward) can't be selected as a Starting Capo.
Fixed: The ‘Buried’ quest had an incomplete description.
Fixed: Incorrect log message after using the ‘Interview’ Lieutenant ability.
Fixed: Incorrect log message after using the ‘Party' Lieutenant ability.
Fixed: In some instances, the soil quality remains on the screen after leaving the ‘Soil Quality’ Mode.
Fixed: Models for the Area Depot were displayed incorrectly.
Fixed: Incorrect ‘Narco-Cassetes’ Expiring Event description.
San Rafaela
Cartel Tyconn: San Rafaela is out! Get the DLC to explore and conquer a new map, experience a new campaign, earn exclusive rewards, and meet new characters!
Balance Update
Other Updates and Changes
Optimization: Drastically reduced the number of places where a game could freeze or lag and further improved performance in the end game.
Two new Enemy Gang Leaders!
Added Laundering Modes to all Laundering Buildings and increased their output after the playtest.
Removed notifications about overflowing buildings from the log.
Added subtitles to the Tutorial Intro Cinematic.
Close hints by clicking them with the Right Mouse Button.
Added ability to transport Weapons to combat encounters using Transport Companies.
Added Hotel to the Research Tree, removed Hotel building limit, and improved bonuses after the playtest.
Lowered the price of the Hotels.
Lowered the duration of Combat Encounters in Cities.
Lowered the Terror gain of overflowing buildings.
Increased the storage capacity for weapons in Cities.
The amount of Terror generated by moving illegal products through Cities now depends on a product.
Increased the duration of Weapons in Combat Encounters by 2x.
Lowered the resupply time for new Weapons in the Military Base, Area Depot, and Guerrillas.
Increased the amount of Weapons players can get from the Military Base, Area Depot, and Guerrillas.
Increased the amount of places the Aerodrome can be built at. Increased the price of Aerodrome II and III.
Improved Soil Quality visuals.
Bug Fixes
Fixed: Government Forces could attack Enemy Gangs instead of the Cartel during quests that require a government forces combat encounter.
Fixed: Players could talk to Enemy Gang Leaders during a combat encounter in Cities (they should be too busy with shooting).
Fixed: During an Enemy Gang encounter with the US Army, Expiring Events from this Gang could appear (they should be too busy with shooting).
Fixed: The ‘Bane of Bandits’ Ability appeared active outside of a Combat Encounter.
Fixed: A dialogue with an Enemy Gang leader could trigger if they’re attacked by the government forces.
Fixed: In the ‘That Sinking Feeling’ campaign, a product type is missing in one of the quest descriptions.
Fixed: Located the missing ‘S' letter for one of the Gang Leader dialogues. She’s safe at home now, thank you, Zaimine.
Fixed: Players could potentially get access to transforming tools for some UI elements. Not anymore!
Known Issues
Camila Cervantes (Earliest Access reward) can't be selected as a Starting Capo for a new save.
San Rafaela: Some Quest descriptions have mentions of the Republic of De Ojeda regions. Quests can still be completed.
San Rafaela: Cars can go sicko mode on some of the roads.
San Rafaela: Several localization and text issues.
The soil quality remains on the screen after leaving the ‘Soil Quality’ Mode in some instances.
Global Goals cinematics are not playing on some Steam Decks.